16 Dec Our Daily Position with God Determines what we Receive in the Night Season.
The goal of this article is to encourage you as you align with God through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ that brings to you daily abundant life in His Holy Spirit. As Christians, we live in a time where The Lord is empowering our focus to go through new elevated doors of opportunity that speak to exercising both courage and rest. In this light, we are increasingly realizing that the blood of Jesus in our cell structure has also reached the realm of our Dream, Vision and Trance life experiences.
Dreams, Visions, and Trances depend upon our falling into the deep end of faith with Jesus so He can minister powerfully into our cell structure with breakthrough revelation concerning the importance of dreaming. Ephesians Chapter 2 vs. 7 talks about the incomparable riches of His grace operating in us.
We need to see that God is in a situation ‘now,’ where he is recovering Dreams, Visions and Trances as part of His mission to reveal the Mystery of the ages which is Christ in us. Dreams, Visions and Trances shall no longer remain caged, lost to the power of the enemy that previously produced fear and lack of faith about the future. But they shall align with the word of God and produce ‘faith.’ Faith releases the power of the blood of Jesus to enable us to effectively interpret Dreams and Visions and Trances . Romans 8 vs. 15 is clear on this,
“For you did not receive a spirit of slavery that returns you to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”
Dreams too represent a portion of the’ incomparable riches of God’s grace being revealed in us. As a Christian, you can enjoy the present reality that your dream life has been redeemed and can therefore reveal God’s power to bring solutions to everyday situations.
Ehpesians2 vs. 7
‘ …in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus’.
We are in the ‘now’ faith able to receive in our DNA, the incomparable riches of His grace expressed in His kindness to us because we are in Christ Jesus. How does this touch on our Dreams, Visions and Trance life? Dreams reveal the healthy nature of God, in His act of kindness, to uncover the hidden meanings behind our Dreams, Visions and Trance experiences.
Dreams are God’s act of kindness to speak to us concerning the immediate future. God is wholistic in His relation to us and will not leave us hanging, clueless to what we see in the night season. Instead as a faithful Father he intentionally through Holy spirit reveals the height, breadth, and depths of God. So in the night season, we can expect God to download within us the riches of His grace, to empower strategy for the daytime. When you dream, you receive a portion of the ‘riches’ of God’s truth in parables. The day offers you an opportunity to seek an interpretation of the night parables, so you can effectively apply the word of God in your life.
We want to be a people of God who operate in strategic strength and courage which is also the rest of God. We want God to readily work in our DNA with counsel and might that authoritatively shapes the course of our day to day lives. That said knowing what to do with dreams is heavily dependent on receiving and appropriating the word of God concerning Dreams, Visions, and Trances.
Share with us today about your dreams and watch God mentor you through the days ahead. Soon you too will learn how to pass on the gift of interpreting and mentorship to those around you.
Be blessed and have a Merry Dreamy Christmas
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